The books listed below, are written by authors who have experienced domestic violence and/or abuse and, by the grace of God, have survived to share the stories of their personal journey's out of the minefield of abuse.
These books are complimentary to one another covering a number of scenarios within the "Abuse/domestic violence among Christians" arena. Together they provide well rounded, detailed counsel in advising not only battered and abused Christian Women, but also Christian leaders and individuals in responding confidently, compassionately, and biblically when domestic violence or abuse strikes within their spheres of influence.
Woman Submit! Christians & Domestic Violence, (click link for both e-book and paperback) is for anyone experiencing domestic violence or marital
abuse. It is also for those they are most likely to turn to for help—family,
friends, pastors, etc.... The Christian woman whose spirit is being crushed and
life possibly endangered by domestic violence is faced with a unique burden,
and she needs straight answers—not unrealistic expectations or clichéd,
stereotypical platitudes. In this book, she will get straight answers, clear
scriptural direction, and some tough challenges from one who has been there but
is there no longer. Subscribe to Jocelyn’s Updates & Newsletters:
Would the REAL CHURCH Please Stand Up!, by formerly battered Christian wife,
Susan Greenfield, is a detailed challenge to all Christians in responding biblically when the batterer is one of their church leaders.
Waneta Dawn, helps us "Face it with Fiction,"
in Behind the Hedge, a fictional account of an abusive marriage within a Christian home, Waneta Dawn has done an amazing job of exploring the dynamics of such a relationship and the destructive effects of it on the entire family. It is written with God-given insight, sensitivity, and compassion. The story is a page turner, while at the same time, dispensing biblical guidance for women experiencing abuse that has not yet escalated into physical violence.
Additional Resources:
I had no clue there were books like this available for Christian women that have suffered domestic violence.
Ordained into the ministry, spending several years overseas in service to others...all the while being married to an abuser. It was told to me, that it was somehow MY fault.
I've suffered severe injuries on numerous occasions. After almost 25 yrs of marriage, I was left with the clothes on my back, my briefcase and my Sheltie puppy.
If I had the resources to obtain copies of these books...I'd do it. Please...pray for me. There's much "heart healing" that needs to take place.
If you take a look at my blog will tell you more than I could in a few short sentences.
I ran across the book "Would the Real Church Please Stand Up" on your blog. I have found commercials on YouTube for it, but I was wondering if the author does any speaking engagements. I have tried calling the number in the back of the book and emailing her but I get no response from either.
Try emailing again. Phone no longer works.
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