Woman this is WAR! Gender, Slavery, & the Evangelical Caste System

One of the main tenets of complementarianism is the "evil woman" doctrine which holds that females are inherently antagonistic toward males—most particularly wives against husbands.

This theology, by default, arrays all men in defense of themselves against all women. In the eyes of the men and women who hold to complementarian doctrine, woman is the natural and most powerful enemy of man

“Woman this is WAR...,” takes a new look at old arguments traditionally used to keep men and women enslaved in illegitimate bondage based on sex. And just as the Bible did not condone the sin of slavery based on skin color, it also does not condone a slavery-like caste system based on gender.

This post is an excerpt from the book, Woman this is WAR! Gender, Slavery, & the Evangelical Caste System, by Jocelyn Andersen. The book is available for pre-order now. Pre-orders will be shipped 4-6 weeks before the book becomes available to bookstores.

Woman this is WAR! is scheduled for release on July 20, 2010 to coincide with the 162nd anniversary of the second day of the historic Seneca Falls Women's Conference held at a Methodist church in Seneca Falls, New York. It was a decidedly Christian event.

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